western australian academy of performing arts
western australian academy of performing arts
momento mori
the geoff gibbs theatre
stage manager
Memento mori explores the nature of inevitability, impermanence, and chance. Lovers come and go, alliances are forged and disintegrate, empires rise and fall, and history, as always, is repeated.
Inspired by Stoicism, a philosophical movement from the Hellenistic period that gave birth to the Latin phrase Memento mori, the work considers how stoic ideals intersect with our lives in the here and now. The good, the bad and the feeling of incredible luck that must surely run out: everything that has a beginning must have an end. Echoes of the past that ripple into all our futures. And so, we dance, we live and devour each moment, each transient pleasure and pain, for any and every hour may be the last. Maybe, in the end, we will be lucky enough to have some idea of what we, and the world around us are truly like, and in that realisation, be utterly transformed.
“Come to terms with death, thereafter anything is possible.” – Albert Camus (1913 – 1960)